
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 297: Pet Peeve One

My school is full of so many annoying and cocky students who think they can play guitar/ukelele like a pro. Honestly, it's really getting on my nerves. Today during lunch I was having conversation with my friends about the grad banquet THEN SUDDENLY I hear someone playing guitar at my left from where I was sitting. I looked and saw a bunch of asians (not being racist, I'm asian too) all grouped up and some guy playing some sort of love song in hopes of impressing those around him. LIKE OMG. DUDDEEE. I get that a lot of you want to learn guitar/ukelele, but that doesn't mean you should play the guitar/uke EVERY.DARN.LUNCHTIME. Yeah, it's been like that since... I don't even remember. For a long while now. Like a trend. But I'm hoping this whole pretending to know how to play the guitar thing will die out soon. Sooner or later, whoever you are impressing will realize you can't really play the damn instrument. Knowing how to play 2 or more songs doesn't make you a musician.

Am I being shallow for ranting this out? I know I can't play an instrument though I do know how to play a couple songs on the guitar. HOWEVER I don't go around showing it off to people like I know how to play. Sheeesh.

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