When the kids finally came, they first had to listen to the rules. It was funny because MJ told them that if their parents asked where they stayed at, he told the kids to tell them that they stayed at a fancy restaurant, not a bar. Haha, hopefully that worked! There really were a lot of kids today, over 130! They all fit on the floor, so it's good we had enough space. After all that, they finally told us who our kids were. As a facilitator, we were given a number of kids to guide and to make sure they had fun. I was partnered with John Gabriel and later had Joshua added to our group. Another cool thing was that myself and Alejandro made the team names up, so it was really cool to hear the teams saying their team name and cheering as a group. That was actually the first activity we did, to make a cheer for our teams. My team was called team Adventure, and it was debatable because our theme for Kids Village was "Adventure of a Lifetime!". Oh wells haha. I really had fun making up our team cheer, and when we performed, I found that one of our kids could do a split! It was unexpected too, as she did that at the end. So many things happened tonight, and it was a success! Great job for our first day of Kids Village!
P.S: I just remembered our cheer: "Team Adventure we are cool, team adventure yeah we rule. Don't mess with us because we know what's right, just follow us and you'll be alright. GOOO TEAM ADVENTURE!!!
Aww man, it was SO CUTE. :D
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