
Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 57: School Again

The weekend was so much fun it felt like I went on vacation. Though it was a short one :( Anyways, homework/studying tonight. Great. I miss the weekend already..

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 56: An Awesome Last Day

-SIGH- Today is the last day for Camp Chief Hector. The last session? I totally forgot what it was called, but this included everybody in one place instead of in family groups to different sessions. Because this camp was about diversity, we all had to make a scene with our family groups. We had to act it out and we would perform this twice. For example, if ours was about discrimination in race, we would make a situation where one is making a racist comment towards another and blah blah blah. The second time we act it out again, anyone can shout FREEZE on the parts that they could change. If an actor said a racist comment on the first act, on the second act someone in the audience can yell FREEZE on that same racist comment moment and tag that actor out then UNFREEZE and say something else instead of a racist comment, changing the whole situation around. Does that make sense? Anyway, I loved it. I got to make so much input in our group's scene which was about racism and also got to know Jen who taught us the Spoken Word session! She's amazing at it!

Before lunch, we all got into a circle. They called it the hugging circle. The first person to hug went to the left and hugged the person next to him/her then that person in turn goes left and hug the person next to him/her. This went on until everybody hugged everyone. I got pretty excited, this meant I get to hug him! WOOOHOO! But so much people had come my way and hugged them that by the time it was my turn to turn left (he was just a few individuals away) I got nervous and said "Hey Ukrainian accented guy"! OH GOSH, I slapped my self once again with my imaginary hand and told myself whether I learned anything during the weekend or not. Omgoodness. -sigh- I think he knew I had a crush on him. After a friend of my friends asked him his name (to find out if he was my cc)he started looking in my direction during our sessions. *BLUSH* And when it was my turn to go left to hug? I looked at him and he was smiling looking back at me. Then I was like OMG I GETS TO HUGS HIM! LOL. Okay enough about that.

This weekend? I LOVED IT. I wish it was a one week camp instead! We are all planning to come back next year, but I'm not sure if that would be possible since this is for high school students.. maybe there are exceptions! Ahah.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 55: An Awesome Unexpected Day

I think this was the first time ever I've been near a horse! Or petted it! The surface texture covered with hair felt rough but it was awesome patting my hand on his/her face! I even got a picture with me and the horse!

OMGOODNESS. I could go on and on about what had happened on this day. But one of the things I'd like to talk about was how I stopped expecting too much. I didn't want to be disappointed. So this morning when we were called into our "family groups", I found that I wasn't with any of my girl friends! John and Chris were in my group though but still! So I thought it wouldn't be as fun as I hoped it would be. Then I slapped myself in the head with my imaginary hand and turned things around. Instead of fussing over the fact that my friends got a friend to be with, I decided to participate a lot and meet new friends. And you know what? I don't regret being in my family group. There I got to do so many things I've never done before. There I got to be myself and express my opinions. There I got to read a "poem" I wrote to everyone during the Spoken Word session. I got to have so much fun and even got a new camp crush! HAHAHA. It was so sudden. In one of the sessions I just started to notice him and BAM, I had to tell my friends so they could stop teasing me with my other camp crush from last year. This new guy is now my Calgarian BB BOO. LOL. ANYWAY, we also had the open mic that night. It was awesome. So many from Bishop YMCA got to perform to show their talents, and MAN what talent we have! I wish I could've recorded the whole thing.

On and on and on, I hope today's memories will stay in my head for a long time. Today was definitely the highlight of my days as I haven't had a day like this for the longest time! WOOOHOOO AWESOME DAAAY! OH and cheers for the food too! lol. I guess I'll add when I remember which memory was on which day ahaha.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 54: First Night and Performance

This morning I took another route to go to my school. It was cold, but music helped my start of the day! I felt like in one of those movies where the main character is feeling joy while listening and singing along to music as she walks. I love music :)

So today was the first day/night of Camp Chief Hector! We got to perform our Extreme Leader's song Price Tag by Jessie J. Two of our boys made a rap part of the song and it was AWESOME! Excitement for the weekend started building up on this first night and everyone's just looking forward for what's to come!

P.S: You guys are bums for calling out my Saskatoon BB BOO (LOL) when he was near. To be clear, he's not my camp crush anymore bahaha.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 53: Social Homework

Doing homework then start to pack my things for this weekend's Leader's Conference Camp!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 52: YMCA Practice

TODAY was a fun practice! GOOD JOB ERRRBODY! Wow, our first practice and we're already rockin' it. Just make sure you all remember your lyrics and make movements, we'll rock out the stage if we keep it up! Ahahah, wooo! Yup, Jessie J's Price Tag will get errbody singing! Hopefully most will know the song :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 51: New Drawing Assignment

Still needs a lot of time, effort and work. I don't have enough unfortunately. I want to be a vampire now. Edward please bite me. >.<

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 50: Behind These Doors

Why hello creepy looking French doors. Imma take a picture of you because I'm so lazy to capture anything else. >.<

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 49: A Bet

I made a bet with my dad that if this new rising filipino boxer, Donaire, were to K.O Montiel in under 2 rounds, I would owe him $10. At first I said $100 but managed to get him to pay me that amount if he lost (since he had more faith in the guy) and I $10 if I lost lol. I didn't believe this guy would finish the job in under 2 rounds, so I was set on the bet. Good thing it was only $10! Ahhaha, I lost but I don't think he'll remember this bet lol.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 48: Partay!

Got to make some good conversations with acquaintances. And introduced myself to strangers lol. I told you I would.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 47: Grad Photos

Had my grad photo today. O.O Hope the pictures turned out well!

Thanks Jill for the food! This was sooo gooood! :D

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 46: Bowling With Friends

My friends and I went bowling today and also played some pool. We ate at Pho then went to the Marlborough Mall. We were only there to look at stuff but ended up buying some clothes. I've never been so full in my life. Next time I go to that Pho, I'm ordering regular. >.<


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 45: So Excited!

A bunch of students gathering up in a circle to stare at blank space. lol.

So it's Wednesday! YMCA meeting today. Before we had the meeting we hanged out at the chapel and sang some songs. Then the meeting came. Guess what? I'm excited. :)

So back to yesterday's post. Mrs. Lu thanked me for saying something to that rude boy from yesterday. It was a nice feeling to know I've helped someone. Try it once in a while. Do something bold. Do the right thing when everyone else is too scared to do anything about. It will help shape the person you are.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 44: Shouldn't Be Ashamed

During Teacher Advisory period, I was talking to a friend about my new phone. I had one ear listening to a song and the other listening to her. I wasn't aware what was happening in the background until I heard the upsetting tone of my T.A, Mrs.Lu. So I took off my headphone and tried to understand why Mrs.Lu and this boy were arguing. Suddenly everyone in the room was quiet, except for them. I leaned to the front more as I realized this kid was disrespecting her. It was clear that this boy had done something wrong, and so that was why Mrs. Lu had his phone. He wanted his phone back and she asked him why. All he could respond was, "Because I want it back!" Their argument began to get heavier and I could tell she needed some support.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were so many students in the room and NOT ONE said anything. The boy was freaking disrespectful! Who was he to say rude things to a teacher, especially when he did something wrong? She had authority but he's stomping her like she had no value. I was so upset at the situation that before I knew it, my mouth began talking. It was somewhere along the lines of, "Could you just respect her please? You're just making things worst in this room". He said he didn't care at all. I could tell he cared about how much of a fool he was making himself to be because he had no other response but, "I don't care, I want my phone back!" Lost for words. But he kept his pride in front just so he could keep whatever reputation he had.

I wasn't so upset with the kid. I was mostly upset at the students in that room. They all had a voice, but none chose to use it. And it makes me wonder again. Why is it so hard to do the right thing? Is it shameful to stand up for what's right? Is it a bad thing to take a stand for someone who needs the support/justice? Are we so scared as to what other people would think for breaking the norm of being bystanders?

I don't know about you, but I do know that people shouldn't be ashamed of doing the right thing. Won't it feel a lot worst if you hadn't done anything at all? Just my opinion.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 43: On The Verge of Going Crazy

Today I realized just how disrespectfully rude and mean some (or maybe a lot more) students are at my school. Usually I'm surrounded by people who have manners or at least nice in some way. BUT TODAY. MAAAAN. Today I was on the verge of going crazy!

I went to the chapel at the beginning of third period to play the piano. A minute later three grade 10 students came in and heard them said something about praying. I was debating whether or not to leave so they can have some space to pray. But then they were laughing and muttering things to themselves. So I figured they weren't there to pray but to fool around. It got to the point where their voices grew louder and louder with some swear words flying out of their mouths! At that point I decided to keep playing the piano in hopes that they would leave, because I didn't want them to act that way inside the chapel.

A few minutes later, one girl said something like "well I'd really like to play the piano! I've very goooooood at it!" I was still playing and thank goodness someone texted me. I was running out of songs to play so that was a good time to keep myself a little while longer inside the chapel. Later on they came closer to where I was. The girl who claimed to be good at piano invited herself beside the chair I was sitting. I told her to play something as I replied to a friend. She did, and you know what? She has an amazing voice!

She didn't take any piano lessons but instead played songs by ear. Honestly though? I'll admit at that moment she seemed to have the talent by ear, but when I asked her to play a song from Augustana called Boston, she had difficulty in starting out the introduction to the song. I even had the song out for her. I guess I'm comparing her to a friend who had an amazing ability to play things by ear. Incredibly talented (LOUIE B!).

ANYWAY, while her guy and girl friend were busy fooling around spitting out mean words to each other, I was busy trying to figure this kid out. At the same time though, I was still going crazy on the inside, they were very mean and rude! I kept calm and told myself to respond differently. As cheesy as it is, I responded with a loving attitude. >.< IT. WAS. HARD. I kept my cool and told her how amazing her voice was. Her voice was still harsh and coarse, but as I kept talking to her her tone changed. It was friendlier. This kid had more potential than what she realizes so I kept telling her how talented she is and that she must join the talent show. I was pretty amazed at how responding differently toward a kid like her could change your whole perspective about a person. But then she was back to her vulgar attitude as soon as her friends talked to her.

I had no idea why I was still there. Clearly they've managed to get me out of the piano. Later on as I was standing up, the guy asked me if the water bottle beside me was mine. He asked if he could have a sip while her friend said, "Don't, he has aids!" Obviously that was a joke. Before I could say anything he took the bottle as I was reaching for it! I told him to put water on the cap and sip from there. He took a sip and pretty much soaked the floor with water. They were joking around. He gave me back my now germ-filled water bottle and didn't even say thank you. >:(

A few things happened after that. They were pretty racist as well. They also lied about having a spare, they were skipping! Earlier the girl who played the piano got mad at me because apparently I "lied" about me being Spanish. I told her I was part Spanish and said she was "mad" at me for "lying" to her. UGH. And they have the guts to lie even bigger by saying they had a spare when they didn't (overheard them talking about it).

ANYWAY, I finally decided to get out of there. I told them I was going to go and reminded the girl how talented she was. I also mentioned the Hero Project to them as well. The guy told me be careful not to get hit by cars... ?!?!? My response?

"Have a good day!"

So that's my Valentines Day. I can't believe I was able to keep calm and do the unthinkable (though it was so possible). I was really hoping that by acting with a loving attitude, they'd change some of the way they think about others and also better their manners. I have mixed feelings about those kids. But they're young, they are still trying to figure out who they are and who their real friends are as well as I. I don't regret acting the way I did. It was another experience to build my character. Because if I responded the way they did? I'd go home feeling a lot worse, mean, rude and stupid for putting up a front with my pride.

One of the lessons of the day: be humble and loving to those who have hatred in their hearts. Because obviously, their hearts need more love than hate! And you never know, you could change someone that way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 42: BlackBerry Curve

I got a new phone FINALLY! WOOHOOO! After three years of having the same Sony Ericcson (which was btw old and broken in various places) I finally have a much better replacement! The amount per month is still the same, but this time with more and better features than my old one. Wow, we got ripped off bad. My old one? No unlimited texting, no free instant messaging, social networking sites and a bunch of other cool stuff the curve has. I'm never looking back! WOOOO! And now that I can text like crazy, I realize just how slow I am when texting. Oh well, I'll get faster at that.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 41: Banana and Scrambled Eggs

I made scrambled eggs and then watched some TV shows. It's been a while since I sat down and watched shows on TV actually! I usually watch on my laptop since I'm able to manage my time and watch the shows whenever I want. Anyway, I watched two Simpsons episode and then Russell Peters. Nothing else was good so I watched those on channel 41 I think. HMMM. I gotta do that more often. I feel that my face is mostly stuck in front of my laptop most of the time. Then again there's not much of a difference. I'm still watching/wasting time that way! Arrgh. Now I wish I had powers like those characters in the Twilight Saga. SERIOUSLY, if they existed? I would hunt them down and get one of them to bite me. NOT. EVEN. KIDDING.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 40: Reading for Fun?!

BOOOKS! Lately I've been wanting to read as much books as I can before the end of the school year. I feel like I've taken my school's library for granted and wasted the time and privilege to read. PFFT. Like.. who reads for fun?? Obviously only the cool kids dooo! Ahah, I guess I'm pretty cool. :P

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I need to learn how to make Pho one day. pffftt.

These were the candies from yesterday. Okay, it's lame how I don't try anymore. Truth is, I don't really have the time to take decent pictures with nice compositions. Either I'm too lazy or my plate's too filled up to worry about compositions/subjects in my photos. I'm worried I might not be able to complete this year's 365. -sigh-

I'm at a random position to shout and scream. I WISH WE DIDN'T NEED SLEEEEP. >.< I would be able to do so much more things that way. Seriously. Life's too short and I'm wasting my time on things that are not so important. gaaah.

P.S: Do you ever have times when you just hate the internet?? Because you realize the great amount of time it takes away from you??? GRRR. -__-

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 38: Look Up

Prepared two Valentines candy bags during YMCA meeting. I'm keeping the one that has more candy LOL and the other to a funny friend!

This little kid right here? He's turning one in 28 days! He has already learned how to crawl... honestly I miss him not being able to crawl. I worry he'll fall down the stairs or climb up the stairs one day >.< Keeeeeds.. they grow so fast!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 37: One Week Job

I went to a trip to Father Lacombe to see a presentation about this man who decided to work 52 jobs in 52 weeks. His message was good, but he wasn't so good at inspiring people. He lacked excitement in his voice and I found that very disappointing as it left everyone else wanting to get outta there soon. >.< Sorry man, you need to work on that.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 36: Reminisce

I totally forgot what day Valentines day was.

It shouldn't take a day like Valentines day to tell that special someone how much they mean to you. If it does, you needa work on that relationship!

On a different note, I wonder what's
going on inside that mind of yours.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 35: Camp Fiyaah!

Last day of Camp Fire! So many things to say. Lost for words. >.<

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 34: Camp Fire!

I got to be a discussion leader for the first time during this camp! Jennifer told me suddenly that I was one of the few discussion leaders picked. I haven't had any youth camp training yet and here I was helping with the camp service.

Anyway, I met new people today :) and saw familiar faces as well. It was aaaiightt. Ahah. HMMMM. I honestly have forgotten the "seven IDs". I'm not even sure what ID stands for.

As always, we went to church. This church is beautiful! Due to lack of sleep, I wasn't able to pay attention as much as I wanted to. But I do remember a mother and her daughter with the priest talking about how they entered Christianity. I'm not so sure what else happened, but that was very nice to witness people who recently turned Christians. We also had a talent show too. LIGHT PATROL, you guys did well with your version of "Teach Me How to Dougie" lol. It was really catchy :D

As I remember other things that happened, I'd say this was a Saturday well spent!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 33: Packing for Tomorrow

Camp Fire hurr we gooo! Gonna miss this little kid!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 32: A Good Deed

We had our first chemistry lab. It was an interesting class.

Today I did something not many people (in high school) would be kind/courageous enough to do. Actually, it was one of the most simplest acts anyone could ever do to someone. I was walking down the hallway after the bell rang and overheard a few people laughing and talking about something that wasn't so clear to me. Then I looked up ahead and saw this girl and a paper airplane stuck on her hoodie. It was visible for everyone to see and at first I thought to just leave it and keep walking since she was pretty far already and also there were people in front of me. Then I thought more on how stupid that was. I got very annoyed that people in high school would still do childish things such as that. For goodness sakes, it's not elementary anymore! I thought that if no one was going to tell her, I might as well walk faster and get that thing out of her hoodie.

I was really upset that so many people just passed by her without saying a word. Is it so hard to tell her something was on her back? Were they so insecure about what people think if they help get rid of such shenanigans? Is it so hard to do the right thing? Anyway, I'm glad I did that good deed. I was sure that if I hadn't done anything, I'd think about it later on and regret not doing something. It's a nice feeling to help. People should think less of themselves and think more of others.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 31: Looking Forward

Took a picture of a basketball game after finishing a YMCA meeting (and also from playing this Glee game, it was fun ahah) at my school. So many things to look forward to! :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 30: Second Semester

Back to school! And double spares, one after the other... >.<