
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 27: Youth Power YFC

I attended a Youth Power event for Youth for Christ today. I think this is my first time attending this if they had these events before. At around 10:00 AM we started the day by singing/worshipping. They presented a couple of talks and ate lunch in between. Then we headed to the Drop In Center to volunteer. It was part of their activity that we volunteer during Youth Power. You wouldn't believe how many people there were. SO MANY! Anyway, the Drop In Center is a place where people who don't have a place to go can stay. These are basically homeless people. We were told that 85% of them actually get sobered up and start working while the rest stay for as long as they can. It's my second time here. I volunteered before and served them food some time ago. This time though, our schedule and plans changed as the person who knew about us wasn't there, so we got a tour of the building instead.

In the clothing room, I saw this quote, "Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life". I read something like this before and really liked it, so I took a photo. It's nice to be reminded on the important things in life through a quote. Because we do forget. Anyway, today was a good day. Saw new faces, got to know more people, and turned red a few times. Gosh. WHYYY. >.<

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