
Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 30: Baby Cradle

First day of the second semester was pretty okay. The classes are different, but I'll get used to it. Anyway, when I arrived from school, I saw my dad assembling the baby cradle. A few minutes later, I was thinking to myself how the due date was near.'s hard to believe! I've tried to prepare myself in those past few months, but when I really think about it and the major changes that must be made.. I realized that I'm not really ready for my new baby brother to be born. But when I think about it some more, I think it's not my baby brother's birth, it's the challenges in a few more months that my family and I will be facing after the baby is born. If only there was no recession, then maybe I would have been much more excited for the challenges up ahead.

*sigh* I know I should be happy, but knowing that there are some unpleasant things happening soon, it makes it harder for me to cope with. But hey, don't worry about me, for there is always a reason for all the hardships in life that God has placed in His plans for us. I know that we'll get through those months as a family. But if you can, will you pray for us? Thanks.

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