
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 57: YMCA Leader's Conference 2010 Summary

ALRIGHT, so today we had to say our goodbyes to the people we met. Overall, I had a really good time. One of my favorite memories? When John and Jake wouldn't stop laughing at the drawing I drew of Jomar. LOL AHHAAHAHAHA, that was so hilarious. Even though we didn't get to go on the Giant Swing, I would like to say CONGRATS Kristine! For facing your fears of height, being alone, and..deng I forgot the last one. Well I'm glad that you had the best time though, your schedule was waaay better than the rest of us. And for our CC' maybe we'll see them again next year? HAHA, right. I'm not hoping anyways since that feeling faded when I realized he talked too much LOL (and many other annoying factors too). But I'm sure that song he sang will remain in our minds for a long time, unless we forget how it goes lol. Umm besides that, the sessions were alright. The best speaker would have to be Bob Mulley (not sure how to spell his last name fyi). Remember guys, keep the persistence, proving people wrong, helping others and the "rob and duplicate" he presented to us. I'm sure that you'll remember what he taught us one day. There were so many other memories too, but I don't want to say too much since it will make this post too long. Though I'll be summarizing it in points for me to remember in the future:

- The nosy girls in our Cabin
- The time when I turned on
the lights while everyone was
still asleep. LOL Jill ;)
- Playing chess with you all
- Jake saying he'll win on that
slap jack card game but always
gets all the cards in the end LOL
- The name games that Jesse
taught us in Goal Setting
- The times when I fell asleep
for Nutrition with Jomar and John
LOL and as I was filling the sheet
during Goal Setting (unbelievable,
was I THAT tired?!)
- Making beads in Creative Arts
and laughing too much at the drawings
- Camp Fire songs: Lazlo.. the 3rd's
song, the Dum Di Di Dum Dum song etc.
- Playing on the piano with you guys
- THE DANCE LOL along w/ glow in the
dark bracelets, that girl (you know
what I'm talking about lol), and
playing cards after while everyone
else was still dancing LOL
- BOB MULLEY and his awesome inspiring
olympic stories
- The hope for Nikol to hook us up for
the Giant Swing..lucky Kristine >.< lol
- The banner
- That guy who barged in and helped
Kristine with her chess strategies
- The songs we sang before we ate
- Playing Ketchup with Chris and his
motivation to win against me lol

Oh man this list is going to make this post too long. lol I guess I should stop there. Well, hopefully we get to go on the Giant Swing next year!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 56: Wooden Tag Names

Nikol gave us these pretty cool wooden tags for us to write our names and recognize people. I needed a picture of the day so I decided to take a picture of the tag names. There were two more people I wanted to include but they were busy doing something (sorry Jake and John!). I was planning to ask Jomar if he could send me the picture I took of the cards but decided that this picture would bring back more memories when I look at this image again. Though the picture I took of those cards was really good, lol oh well thats fine.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 55: Cards and Chess

While waiting for the bus to pick us up for YMCA's Leader's Conference Camp, my friends and I decided to play a couple of games. We played with cards and this little tiny chess since the bus wasn't there yet. It actually took a LONG time for it to arrive, around two hours I think! But thats okay, we had a ton of fun playing cards and chess. And thank you Jill for the french fries. And if you happen to read this Louie, we took GOOD CARE of her! :D This would mean she can come to next year's conference without complain, okay? Haha :P

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 54: Doodles

Click to enlarge!

My friend, Kristine and I always have this little doodling "contest" during English class. We would pick a subject and then draw it. Then we ask people which one is better/looks more like the subject and tally the votes on the paper. So far I'm winning with points of over 70 and hers around 40.. LOL. Anyway, today we didn't do that. She was doing her chemistry homework and I decided to doodle during the first 30 minutes of Mrs. Schmaltz reading us this book we had to listen to. And since we also had to read aloud Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", I continued on doodling after reading my small part on it. Then continued doodling during Info Pro as I was done with all the lessons. Anyway, I am psyche about tomorrow! We are going camping for YMCA's Leader's Conference and seeing the pictures that Jomar had sent me, my excitement just BOOSTED! Can't wait!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 53: Board Games

Even though we all had to study for a test tomorrow, I am glad that everyone came to the board games event for YMCA! Except for one person though, but that's fine. AND even though there wasn't as much kids we expected to have, I am glad that everyone actually had a ton of fun playing the games! Haha, we are such kids guys :P AND YASS JILL IS COMING TO THE CAMP! WOOT! Now there are 6 of us! Haha, good thing I figured out how to turn my phone back on (power button is broken), or else I wouldn't be able to take pictures during the weekend! Hoorah for a good night! Now back to studying...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 52: Good Afternoon!

I've been so busy last week that I didn't get to post a ton of pictures up! I hope you weren't worried.. haha..right... I've got some pretty busy days up ahead, but I'll try to post the pictures if I have the time. Anyway, I took a picture of this rose today after I arrived from school, and it still looks great! Even though it's all wrinkled up and old. I actually stopped giving it some water so I won't worry about it any longer.. lol JKS. I just forgot to pour some! Well anyway, I can't wait until the end of this week, I will be going to a YMCA Leader's Conference camp! HOORAH! Hopefully they'll let me take some pictures during the activities since we can't bring our phones, but I'm bringing mine anyways haha. Well, GTG back to my busyness! >.<

See my other blue rose posts! :)
Healthy and Young Rose
Old and Wrinkled up Rose

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 51: Clean Up!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 50: What Chu Eating?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 49: Lights in the Dark

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 48: Waiting..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 47: On The Way To Buss 55

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 46: Bio.. Again

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 45: What's Your Opinion?

So this was the only picture I took today. This is actually my English homework! Haha, I took a picture of it instead because it was a little hard to read and I was lazy to copy it down >.< We only had to pick one and so I picked the second one :P

Hmmm here are what I think they all say:
1)Men and women should marry persons of a similar social and economic status as themselves.
2) People choose with whom they fall in love
3) It is better not to marry than to marry and risk being cheated on by your spouse
4) Most people can be trusted to be faithful in marriage
5) Men are attracted to women who are assertive and bold
6) Jealousy in a romantic relationship is usually a sign the relationship has problems
7) ? It got cut off.

So yeah, if you have anything to say, feel free to comment!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 44: Escape

Today is Family Day and the last day of my 5(& a half)-day break! But unfortunately, today is also homework day for me :( Yeah, I could've done it earlier but I was busy with other stuff. I even tried reading my Bio AP during the Family Day Event and during the baby shower but failed miserably. So I'm stuck here in my room and still trying to do my homework. I really want to escape but I have no plans outside of my room. Though I did watched Paranormal Activity (it was laaaameee and so not scary!) with my brother. He actually forced me to watch it with him and so I got to get something in return >:D And yeah, here's to my boring life at the moment -_-

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 43: Love Forum & Baby Shower

We had a Love Forum today for YFC, and Kristine FINALLY came with me! We saw a lot of friends from Camp SHAPE (Seek Him and Pray Everyday) and many others we have yet to meet and get to know. Anyway, we had a number of talks about LoVe since it was Valentines Day. Then there came a part where each of us had to stand up and tell everyone our names, age, and status. Most of us were single but some were discerning ;)

After Love Forum, Kristine and I managed to get some food before we left. Her dad was already outside for the last 30 minutes and I had to get home for the Baby Shower surprise we secretly planned for my mom. My family was waiting for me but it was fine since we had to be the last to arrive at the house it was held. My mom didn't know because she was told it was a birthday party and she even bought a gift! It was hard not to let her buy one since it would ruin the surprise, so we let her lols.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 42: Family Day Event

Today, my parent's organization held a Family Day event. Though Monday is Family Day, they decided Saturday as the date. I had a fun time and even won a prize! But it was a kid's toy so I gave it to my little cousin haha. The funny thing was that I was the oldest amongst all the other contestants and I knew I was going to win lols. Anyway, when we got home, my auntie and I was preparing the little "Thank you for coming" giveaways for the baby shower surprise the next day. It was actually around 1 in the morning when we finally finished sticking and gluing the little papers on the giveaways. And then I went to sleep :P

Friday, February 12, 2010


I didn't know what subject to take a photo of, so I cut the head of David Henrie from a magazine and taped it to my wooden manikin. Haha, and he's promoting the Pokemon Diamond Version DS game! I used to play this game a lot, then I finished the game and stopped playing it. It's sad that I don't play video games anymore, I used to be a gamer addict! Like, I didn't cared about how much homework I had, I only wanted to play. Haha, well that was way back then. But I think I might play a game on xbox 360 this summer and play it from the start. There's a bunch of games I haven't tried so might as well try to play one!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 40: Graphite Collage

I made a collage on some of the drawings I did. It looked really cool so I couldn't help but post it here for today's photo! Though I didn't take it by camera, it still counts since this blog is about posting some of the things I did each day hehe :P Anyway, I might be doing another collage once I'm done my recent drawing. I will probably just add it with this one lol. Hope you guys like! :-)

And another thing, I saw this video online. It's awesome! Haha, watch and you'll love it :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 39: YMCA Leadership Conference 2010

We had a half day today and also had YMCA at 5:30 PM. So instead of going home and coming back to school, my friends and I went to the mall instead. The picture above was taken while waiting for our bus to the train station. After a few hours later, we headed back to school and had our meeting. I feel really excited because we are having this leadership conference (camp) in two weeks for YMCA! I heard there's going to be tons of fun stuff happening. Hopefully a lot of us can go. If you guys back down... well just don't! This is going to be fun! :D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 38: Dying Rose

Well this is kind of sad. My blue rose is dying! Gaah, it looks really....OLD. Compared to the other picture I took on this post, this one looks really saddening. I wonder how the other's roses are doing? Anyway, mine doesn't look too pleasant. When I look at the younger picture of it, I feel young and energetic. When I look at this... it feels like it's draining the youth out of me! Well, I'm still going to care for it as long as it's still alive. But it's probably going to die and get all wrinkly and dark in a week or so. Hmm, I might take a picture of it in the near future. Be sure to check back on that! :-)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 37: Bio 35 AP Test

Today I had to study 8 chapters of Bio! It was veeery tiring. I feel so knackered right now. I'm a little glad the caffein is still in my system though.. however I will probably not drink iced mocha in a long time unless I feel desperate enough to stay awake to study. BUT guess what? I found that coffee + cocoa + milk + sugar + ice = DRY EYES. I realized since those other times I drank iced mocha, my eyes becomes dry the next day! Hmmrrm. Interesting..

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 36: Colorful Shoes

My family and I went to T&T today after church. It was really interesting because there were so many people and plus there was a performance in the cafeteria (Chinese New Year?). We didn't watch it since we ate at Pho and because the stage was facing the other way. I also saw a lot of people from school there. Anyway, I took a picture of a bunch of shoes when I saw some people selling them. They were really colorful shoes, so I took a picture :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 35: New Drawing

Instead of doing my English homework and reading my Bio 35 textbook, I decided to continue on outlining the new drawing I am doing now. I feel really excited and eager to keep drawing since it looks pretty awesome so far! All I need is lots of time and to fill in the shadings. Also, for the other drawing I did on this post, I decided not to finish it because it wasn't turning out the way I want it to. So I guess I would need to find another present for my friend -__-. Oh, and Maria, if you're reading this, I will get you your gift soooon...hopefully >.<

P.S: I'll also try to give the others their present soooon (at least I didn't forget!)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 34: Smallville!

Today's episode for Smallville is 2 hours long! Hmm, I haven't really paid attention to the dates of the episode, so I'm guessing that this one is the last one for this season? Anyway, I found this really cool cartoon drawing of Clark Kent online. And since I had to take a photo for today, I decided to put my wooden manikin in front of my computer screen to have it pretend as Superman's number 1 fan :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 33: Hide!

My cute little cousin came to my room while I was doing math homework. Then I tried to take a few pictures since I didn't get to take a picture for today. Good thing she came! Otherwise I would probably pictured something lame for today >.< Anyway, my closet is basically her hiding spot when she wants to hide from her mom/dad, my brother or from the "moo moo" a.k.a monster lol.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 32: YMCA Bracelets

Today my friends and I made some bracelets and necklaces during our meeting for YMCA to raise some money for Haiti. It was really fun making them! Hopefully we can make enough and raise a decent amount of money. The picture above shows two of the three bracelets I made. I'm not that pro, but I think these ones look pretty nice!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 31: Short Nap

After arriving from school, I took a short nap. Hmm, I should take more short naps this year. When I woke up, I took a picture of my hand holding this little tiny light. Not too sure if it's a flashlight, since it turns off by putting a magnet on the battery.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 30: Baby Cradle

First day of the second semester was pretty okay. The classes are different, but I'll get used to it. Anyway, when I arrived from school, I saw my dad assembling the baby cradle. A few minutes later, I was thinking to myself how the due date was near.'s hard to believe! I've tried to prepare myself in those past few months, but when I really think about it and the major changes that must be made.. I realized that I'm not really ready for my new baby brother to be born. But when I think about it some more, I think it's not my baby brother's birth, it's the challenges in a few more months that my family and I will be facing after the baby is born. If only there was no recession, then maybe I would have been much more excited for the challenges up ahead.

*sigh* I know I should be happy, but knowing that there are some unpleasant things happening soon, it makes it harder for me to cope with. But hey, don't worry about me, for there is always a reason for all the hardships in life that God has placed in His plans for us. I know that we'll get through those months as a family. But if you can, will you pray for us? Thanks.